Book Review: The Accidental Suffragist by Galia Gichon

The Accidental Suffragist by Galia Gichon My rating: 4 of 5 stars The Accidental Suffragist by Galia Gichon is a historical fiction account of the women’s suffrage movement, with the story following the perspective of a factory worker named Helen. To brush up on actual history for a moment: the women’s suffrage movement was the…

Vanilla Meringue Cookies

This is simple and yet so good! 4 large egg whites, room temperature 1/2 tsp cream of tartar 1/8 tsp salt 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup sugar, to be added 1 tbsp at a time Preheat oven to 225 F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside. You want to have…

Good Eats and Good Reads

I’ve decided to start blogging again–mainly because I’ve been discovering and sharing a lot of food posts on my Instagram account, and I’ve had people ask me for recipes. Instagram, while a good platform for beautifully filtered photos (hehe!), doesn’t have the best caption space–it has limited word count, it does this weird thing with…


So this actually came out a few months ago, but I’ve been so busy I never got to bragging posting about my short story that got accepted into the newest anthology coming from Elephant’s Bookshelf Press (I’ve had two other short stories published in their previous anthologies, so EBP is like my publishing family now….

Looking Back: My 2015 Reads

I can’t believe it’s already 2016. A new year of new reads, yeah? 2015 was good to me. Not only did I manage to reach my Goodreads Reading Challenge of 200 books, I went over it by about 4 books. Granted I had quite a few graphic novels included in my Read list, but hey,…