Good Eats and Good Reads

I’ve decided to start blogging again–mainly because I’ve been discovering and sharing a lot of food posts on my Instagram account, and I’ve had people ask me for recipes. Instagram, while a good platform for beautifully filtered photos (hehe!), doesn’t have the best caption space–it has limited word count, it does this weird thing with the Return button where I can’t seem to add space in between paragraphs, it moves my text to strange places against my will, it doesn’t let you post links, no options for fonts, and so on. So writing down a recipe on IG is a pain in the you-know-what.

So I thought, well, I do have a blog. Maybe I can utilize that. Which means, I’m back! If you’re already following me, hello hello! If you are coming here from Instagram or some other Internet black hole, hello hello! I hope you will stay and visit often. This blog will focus on good eats (yummy food!) and good reads (books that I’ve been reading or have read). If those two things make your heart happy, then you’ve come to the right place.

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