Business and Busy-ness

First order of business today goes to the link for Chapter 14 of the Skeleton Key blogvel by Kellie M. of Tighty Writie. I’m up next Monday with Chapter 15, so I’m biting my nails here. :-0

Next up, the lovely and generous Krista of I Take the Pen has awarded me with the yummy looking Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award. Thank you, Krista! You are too sweet!

There are rules with this baby, but since I’ve already done the 7 Random Things post here and here, I thought that should suffice. But I still would like to pass this on to other sweeeet bloggers, because I like spreading the love.

So my dear friends, I award this strawberry shortcake to the following people (and guys, no pressure. You don’t have to take it if you don’t want to, or you don’t have to follow all the rules AND still take the cake because I’m cool with that.)

1. Charlotte of Charlotte-on-the-Web. She’s one of my newest followers, and her blog looks sweet! Plus, she’s not a spider so double yay!

2.Isis Rushdan. Another sparkly new follower!  πŸ˜‰

3.Lola Sharp of Sharp Pen/Dull Sword. Yes, she’s got a spiffy, sharp-looking blog.

4.Shallee McArthur, because she loves Africa and I’ve got a soft spot for Africa. Oh yeah!

5.Len Lambert of Conversations with Self. Her blog is so flowery. Pretty!

So go check ’em out (and not in a creepy, pervy way) and show ’em some love.

Hmm…am I forgetting anything else?

Oh, yes. I’m participating in #WIPFTW (that’s Twitter-speak for Work-In-Progress For The Win), which basically means I have a deadline to finish my goal by November 1st. A lot of my friends are participating, and we just sorta created this to help motivate us to finish our WIPs rough drafts, editing/revisions, or whatever goal we’ve set for ourselves. It’s great because it’s nice to get support and public shaming (if necessary) in our pursuit of our goals.

My goal is simply this: To finish the first draft of my YA Paranormal/Fantasy WIP Hidden. Summer waylaid me with its too many tempting distractions of sun, family vacations, and all around FUN. But now that FALL is here, it’s time to get back to work. Sad, I know, but it’s LIFE. So I’ve updated my word meter and placed it higher up on my blog so YOU can also shame me if that meter doesn’t move.

The downside is, I have less time to visit all the blogs I follow and less time to goof around. BUT I WILL TRY MY VERY BEST to keep in touch with all of you because you guys are simply WONDERFUL and SMART and AWESOME. And I truly enjoy visiting and reading what you have to say.

So please bear with me at this time. Happy writing, everyone! And may the MUSE be with you. πŸ˜‰

19 Comments Add yours

  1. Isis Rushdan says:

    Thanks so much for the award!!I totally know the feeling of not having enough time. I will definitely keep an eye on your word meter…Nov 1 deadline :).So happy to connect with you.

  2. Good luck on finishing your WIP!! πŸ˜€

  3. Charlotte says:

    Thanks so much- that's so nice of you! And I can vouch for the fact that I'm not a spider. πŸ™‚ Good luck with finishing your WIP, hope you make your deadline. I've pretty much given myself to the end of the week for finishing my first draft, seeing as I've only got a couple of chapters left. Yep. So not gonna happen!

  4. Bethany C. says:

    I just love you to bits.

  5. Wahoo!! You are so close to finishing! I have every confidence in you πŸ™‚

  6. Ashley Nixon says:

    Good luck, Cherie!! I should write more too. lol. *goes off to write*.

  7. Lola Sharp says:

    CONGRATS on receiving your award. Well deserved. Awww, and thank you for passing it along to me. πŸ™‚ I'm honored and grateful. *hugs* And congrats to the others you passed it along to. Dude, I went SO off my writing schedule over the summer. *hangs head in shame* Tomorrow my kid starts back to school, thus I have high hopes and big plans for getting back into a regular writing schedule. I hope your writing gets back on track too. Make the magic happen!Hugs,Lola

  8. Lola Sharp says:

    Oh, PS: I don't know how sharp looking my blog is, but I DO love that you used the word 'spiffy'. πŸ˜€ I have no idea why, but I've always found that word fun/funny. (kerfuffle and rutabaga are other silly words I love to say for no apparent reason.)*tiptoes quietly away for real this time*

  9. catwoods says:

    Congrats on the blog bling!Also, good luck on finishing your WIP. It's always easier to complete something when we throw it out there for public consumption.

  10. Shallee says:

    Thanks for the award! I read your post about Oulessabougou (I think I slaughtered that spelling). I've heard such good things about that organization. Yay for Africa! πŸ™‚

  11. Good luck with your wip. And congrats on the award.

  12. Congrats on your award! Can't wait to check out your picks! May the muse be with you.

  13. cherie says:

    Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by and for your wonderful comments. ;)Ok, I better get back to writing or that meter's not gonna be moving at all!! O_oSee ya on the flip side!

  14. Have a BLAST writing! I'm sure your WIP will be a brilliant creation by the time you're finished with it πŸ™‚

  15. You know we'll be here when you get back. Go write that puppy!! And congrats on your award. You certainly are sweet! πŸ™‚

  16. T.S. Welti says:

    Please, please, please finish Hidden and don't worry (or try to not worry) about us. We are all busy too. In fact, how do I sign up for this WIP challenge? I need to finish my second draft by Nov. 1st. Can't wait for your blogvel chapter. πŸ˜€

  17. Jenny Phresh says:

    Get to worky worky and finish that baby! I have been writing/revising too, so I'm sorry for my absence in these here parts. I am missing everyone but know you will be waiting with shiny hooves when I emerge. Thanks for the links to the new blogs!

  18. Cherie, you are forgiven for not visiting our blogs, as you have a deadline to meet. Am keeping an eye on the word meter, so you will have naggy little me hounding you if it doesn't move fast πŸ˜‰

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